Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


Extended Abstract
Background and Objectives: Focusing solely on the technical and physical aspects of power plant complexes to meet machine requirements has led to a pattern of repetitive cubic shapes and functional structures. Consequently, the central open areas within these rigid and functional structures have primarily been designated for vehicle access and pedestrian walkways, primarily serving as passageways for employees. Changing the attitude of the designers regarding the responsiveness of the open spaces of the power plant to the other needs of the employees could enhance the overall quality of the workplace, ultimately resulting in greater physical satisfaction among the staff. For this reason, it is essential that the role of open and vacant spaces in power plant complexes becomes bolder, and free from traditional isolation. A noteworthy challenge in designing industrial areas is the lack of attention to achieve the optimal design for industrial units in order to improve the job satisfaction of employees. This research shows the weakness of the existing written theoretical literature about the design of open spaces in power plant units under topics such as physical satisfaction and job satisfaction. In the present research: 1- Correlation analysis of physical satisfaction and job satisfaction, 2- Correlation analysis of open space indicators and job satisfaction, 3- Extraction and compilation of ranking of effective parameters of open space design in line with physical satisfaction in power plant industrial units are studied. In the research, the methods of reviewing texts, sources and documents in the context of bibliographic studies, case research and observation have been used. Also, in this research, the correlation between the sense of physical satisfaction and job satisfaction of the control room employees will be investigated.
Methods: Using the Delphi method, quantitative and qualitative indicators of open space have been identified, selected and prioritized, and then field studies (questionnaire tool) have been used. At this stage, using the questionnaire data, the physical satisfaction and job satisfaction of the control room employees are measured and at the end, the correlation coefficient of the research variables is determined (the Pearson correlation coefficient analysis was done in the SPSS version 26 software environment). The nature of the research is descriptive-analytical and based on the purpose, it is practical and by recognizing and analyzing the existing power plant units (using observation, in-depth interviews and questionnaires), prominent parameters in the design of open spaces of power plants are recovered.
Findings: The research findings are categorized as follows: 1. Explaining and ranking the important parameters of open space and their impact on the job satisfaction of gas plant control room employees; 2. The possibility of obtaining the achievements of “satisfaction with the physical environment of the workspace” and “job satisfaction” for gas plant control room employees. Confirmation of the research hypothesis, which is based on the correlation of physical satisfaction and job satisfaction of gas plant control room employees (correlation coefficient (0.390) and significance level (0.001)) and the correlation of open space indicators and job satisfaction of control room employees in the open space of gas power plant (correlation coefficient (0.393) and significance level (0.001)) is highlighted in research results (Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis by SPSS software, version 26). The primary outcome of this study involves the identification of crucial factors, as perceived by control room personnel in the studies gas power plants in the design of the open space of the power plant in line with the physical satisfaction of the gas power plant control room employees and compiling their ranking and importance using the Delphi method separately in each power plant.
Conclusion: Therefore, prioritizing the results of this research is effective and decisive in changing the role of open spaces from vacant and unimportant spaces to human-centered places. Due to the anxious and sensitive working conditions, the employees of the control room of the power plant complexes are in a dangerous situation and the physical work environment is effective in adjusting and reducing these dangerous conditions. According to the results of this research (questionnaire and in-depth interview), the existence of a place and the formation of a sense of place in the control room are effective in employees’ satisfaction with the work environment. Therefore, creating or strengthening the sense of place in the control room employees is one of the best ways to create physical satisfaction. Standardization and modulation as well as the use of super scale (large or very large scale) are among the most important complications of power plant construction. These features have a negative impact on the place and prepare the ground for its destruction. Other causes of this destruction, including: disconnection, non-distinctiveness and lack of originality, can be defined under standardization, modulation and use of super scale (large and very large scale). The results of the analysis of the questionnaire items regarding the identification and ranking of the physical parameters of the open space of the gas power plant (based on the total score of each option in the Delphi method), which is the priority of the control room staff (extracted from an in-depth interview with the control room staff and experts and then screening it), Without considering the priority, is as follows: - Architectural design - View and landscape - Vegetation - Facilities and facilities - Access - Furniture - Color and texture of materials - Connection with other spaces - Variety of activities.

Graphical Abstract

Correlation analysis of physical satisfaction and job satisfaction of control room staff and prioritization of open space design parameters in gas power plants; Case study: Gas power plants in Kermanshah province


- Explaining the important parameters of open space and their effect on the job satisfaction of gas power plant control room employees using the Delphi method collectively in the gas power plant.
- Ranking the important parameters of open space effective in the job satisfaction of gas power plant control room employees using the Delphi method separately in each power plant.
- Extracting the physical parameters of the open space of the gas power plant in two active and inactive categories.


این مقاله برگرفته از رساله دکتری نویسنده نخست با عنوان «تدوین اصول طراحی فضاهای باز در راستای ارتقای حسِ رضایتِ شغلیِ کارکنانِ واحدهایِ صنعتی (نمونه موردی: نیروگاه‌هایِ گازیِ استان کرمانشاه)» می‌باشد که به راهنمایی نویسنده دوم و مشاوره نویسنده سوم و چهارم در دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی(ره)، انجام گرفته است.

This article is derived from the first author`s doctoral thesis entitled “Development of open space design principles in order to promote the job satisfaction of employees of industrial units (Case study: Gas power plants in the Kermanshah province)”, supervised by the second author and advised by the third and fourth, at Imam Khomeini International University.

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