Paper Submission Process

The process of submitting to the publication of papers in the Journal of Iranian Architecture and Urbanism (JIAU) is carried out in four main stages as follows:

First Stage: Register and submit a paper (by the corresponding author).

Second Stage: Initial evaluation (2 working days), and review in the selected editorial board (7 working days), in case of paper confirmation.

Third Stage: Review (2 months-in case of general revision and comparative arbitration or submission to third arbitrator, it will be added to this period), if the paper is accepted. Journal of Iranian Architecture & Urbanism (JIAU) follows a double blind peer-review policy, and the submitted articles will be published after three rounds of reviewing and editorial approval. Being innovative and original, as well as using up-to-date references in scientific subjects and authentic sources and documents in local subjects are required for the submitted articles.

Fourth Stage: In this stage, authors translate extended Persian abstract, and all the graphs, images, tables, and their titles in English.

Submitting additional items (Final copy of Persian paper, its translation to English and its certification) by author and the final approval (21 working days)

Final acceptance, and determining the time of publication

Edit and Layout

Publication and receiving DOI code.