

One of the key factors in estimating the success of housing is degree of the inhabitant’s satisfaction. The final program governmental housing for the people with low income was Mehr settlements project. However, providing the inhabitants needs don’t seem to be fulfilled. Based on these purposes of this research was to evaluate the satisfaction degree of inhabitants from the residential environment quality in Mehr housing in Koohdasht. The study method was descriptive-analytical and the data collection method was documentary and survey using questionnaires. To analyze of data with SPSS software was used. The research society consisted of 2048 husbandmen who were living in the settlements with their families. According to Cochrane formula sample size was estimated to be 323. Descriptive findings of chi-square test showed that there is a meaningful relation between independent variables such as gender, occupation, and marital status and the degree of satisfaction. Furthermore, the results of analyzing spearman correlation showed that is meaningful relation between age,education, and income and satisfaction. The results of the research exploited from T test shows that the inhabitants are dissatisfied with the environmental conditions in the complex and their satisfaction from security, lighting, verification, and skeletal characteristics and other research factors were average. Considering all of the factors the inhabitants’ average satisfaction was (2.84) that this result is meaningful to 95 percent level.
